Setting up your energy in a new home can save you money from the day you move in. Here, we’ll show you how to increase your energy savings hassle-free!
- A Guide to Setting up Energy in a New Home

At Hiskins Electrical, we offer a wide range of electrical services. Among which is designing and implementing intelligent LED lighting systems to help you save money on your energy bills. We understand that every household can benefit from saving more money on its energy bills. After all, using energy is an essential for modern living. But paying through the nose for it most certainly isn’t. Especially when you’re moving into a new home!
Unless you’re proactive in setting up energy in your new home, you could be wasting money on the energy you use. Here, we’ll look at the importance of setting up energy in a new home, and how to do it right.
- What happens if you do nothing
You may or may not know that when you move into a new home you’re automatically placed on a “deemed contract” with the previous occupant’s energy supplier. As our friends at Switch-Plan will tell you, these contracts usually put you on a standard variable tariff which is often one of the least competitive options. The sooner you get your energy set up in your new home, the more you could potentially save.
- How much money could you save, really?
You may question whether setting up energy in a new home could really save you money. But the truth is that many households could save hundreds of pounds every year just by switching energy suppliers. According to the Money Advice Service, the average household can save about £300 a year by switching energy suppliers regularly.
- It only takes a phone call
Setting up energy in a new home needn’t be complicated or time-consuming. All you have to do is call our friends at Switch-Plan, and they’ll do the hard work for you. They’ll compare tariffs from dozens of suppliers to set up the perfect energy deal for your new home. They can manage your switch from end-to-end as well. So you can start saving money on your energy faster when setting up energy in your new home.
- What if there’s no electrical connection in my new home?
In the vast majority of cases, you’ll already have a connection to the National Grid in your new home. If you arrive in your new home to find that there’s no electrical connection you will need to contact your local Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to set a new one up. This can take several weeks and can be very expensive. So make sure of whether or not there’s an active connection before you move in.
- We can help you find opportunities for even more savings
Setting up energy in a new home can help you to make savings from the day you move in. But while the Switch-Plan team can help you make savings by switching energy suppliers, we can help by making the electrical setup in your home as safe, efficient and cost-effective as possible. So you can enjoy the comforts and conveniences of the modern age without needing to worry about how much you’re spending on your energy.